Our blogs are our latest perspectives and assessment of the most profound reset the modern world has ever seen!
PDX help you to think about the People Factor. This is because as leaders you can make the biggest difference to grow your business through your people. Proundly, it is what happens BETWEEN people and the power of collaborative RELATIONSHIPS that is more important and more profound than every before.
Blog Articles…

How to Master Cause & Effect To Unlock Your Inner Power
In this rapidly evolving world, our challenge is to figure out how we respond to constant change. This blog explores how you can master the Law of Cause and Effect to unlock your inner power and boost your ability to succeed.

Why Daydreaming Is A Vital Skill For Leaders
In this rapidly changing world, leaders need to spend time daydreaming and doing the ‘vision-thing’. It’s an essential shot-in-the-arm boost for your business future success. So, can today’s daydream, really turn into tomorrow’s reality?

How To Master Second-Curve Thinking In An Age Of Unreason
It’s not just Covid-19 that is changing the way we work - there is much more going on. Experts predict the fastest, deepest, disruption in history over the next 10-years. So, how do you deal with rapidly changing cycles and what new skills will get you there?

10 Soft Skill Superpowers For A Rapidly Changing World
There is no question that we are living through rapidly changing times and many SME’s are now having to work even harder than ever to move beyond surviving and into thriving. So, why will soft skills be essential superpowers for revving up your future business success?

How The Law of Cause and Effect Influences Your Ability to Change
In this rapidly changing world and sudden effect of economic fallout, we are all left with trying to figure out what is the new normal. How does the Law of Cause and Effect either hinder or boost your ability to succeed?