Sharing Knowledge
Costs Nothing

This no nonsense book gets straight to the point - high performance development of leaders and teams. The approach is direct - business success depends on working well together. Below are all the exercises, free of charge, from the book to help you run a successful programme for yourself.

Even better, you can contact PDX to facilitate a programme for you.


Teamwork Resources

Exploring relationships
versus challenges

Worksheet 2.1
Category - Harness Conflict

The above model is called Strength of relationships
versus level of challenge (low res for quick
load up speed)...


Team trust
review assessment

Worksheet 1.1
Category - Build Trust

The above is an image of the Team trust review assessment by Andrew Jenkins(low res for quick load up speed). Trust is the foundation upon...

Components of
mutual trust

Worksheet 1.2
Category - Build Trust

The above image (Reproduced with kind permission from Richard Barrett in his book New Leadership Paradigm) shows a completed…

Conflict styles
team discussion

Worksheet 2.2
Category - Harness Conflict

The above image is adapted by Andrew Jenkins from open source Creative Commons of Thomas Kilmann conflict styles model…

Dolphins, Foxes, Baboons
& Sheep

Worksheet 3.1
Category - Collaborate

Image Reproduced with kind permission of Dr Robina Chatham (adapted from Bradley & James), I first saw this model at Cranfield…


Worksheet 3.2
Category - Collaborate

Image displays a part of the exercise
(low res for quick load up speed). This exercise provides teams with reflection…

Team feedback

Worksheet 4.1
Category - Use Feedback

Above image - Johari Window open source via Creative Commons (low res for quick load up speed). Feedback is a vital way…

Strengths & weaknesses

Worksheet 4.2
Category - Use Feedback

Above image - Johari Window open source via Creative Commons (low res for quick load up speed). Feedback is a vital way…

Fixed mindset versus
growth mindset

Worksheet 5.1
Category - Develop A Growth Mindset

Above image (low res for quick load up speed)
- created by Andrew Jenkins Becoming a high-performance team requires individuals...

Styles of consciousness

Worksheet 5.2
Category - Develop A Growth Mindset

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - influenced from on Spiral Dynamics (Don Beck, Cristopher Cowan, and other authors…

Use purposeful language

Worksheet 6.1 to 6.4
Category - Use Purposeful Language

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - illustrated by Andrew Jenkins This group of exercises further develops a growth minds...

Team values & behaviours

Worksheet 7.1
Category - Define Values and Behaviours

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - created by Andrew Jenkins Purpose, to select team values and develop them into a set...

Proactive versus
reactive behaviours

Worksheet 7.2
Category - Define Values and Behaviours

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - created by Andrew Jenkins Purpose, to become aware of underlying behaviours…


unwritten rules

Worksheet 7.3 to 7.7
Category - Define values and Behaviours

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - created by Andrew Jenkins Purpose, a four-part exercise to expose and transform...

Dos or donts
team charter

Worksheet 8.1
Category - Have A Team Charter

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - created by Andrew Jenkins A team charter is basically a written covenant, agreement...

Leadership team charter

Worksheet 8.2
Category - Have A Team Charter

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - created by Andrew Jenkins A team charter is basically a written covenant, agreement...

The Big Think exercise

Worksheet 9.1 to 9.5
Category - Plan Creatively & Strategically

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - free usage Creative Commons graphic Planning the future is an essential leadership...
